Developing the individual leader EXECUTIVE COACHING

Do you wish to increase your performance and effectiveness as a leader? Executive/Leadership Coaching provides you with an opportunity for self-reflection and self-discovery and new insights in terms of your thinking, way of behaving, habitual patterns and resourcefulness.

It helps you to develop your full potential, manage and lead in times of complexity, change and ambiguity. By increasing your effectiveness as a leader, you deliver more effectively your business objectives.

I offer tailor made executive coaching solutions to match your business objectives. typically an executive coaching process lasts from 6 months to 9 months and it can comprise a mix of face to face and virtual coaching sessions or be fully virtual. I also offer individual feedback coaching sessions for managers and executives based on 360 leadership Inventories and different psychometric tools.

For more information or an offer matching your needs, please contact me.


“Christel is extraordinary and truly a professional on what she is doing.”

– Sr. Leader, IT company (Executive Coaching Client)