September 9, 2024

I have renewed my EMCC Master Coach Accreditation

I am very pleased to having renewed my Master Coach Practitioner Accreditation by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

EMCC is one of the two leading independent global organizations advancing professional Coaching. EMCC accredits Coaches on four levels. I am happy to be awarded with the renewal certificate of the highest credentials (Master level) for Individual Coaches.

⭐️What are the benefits for clients choosing to work with a Coach with Global Credentials? ⭐

In a world where anyone can call themselves a ”Coach” it is important to understand the coach education and coach experience of the Coach you choose to work with.

Accredited Coaches by EMCC go through a rigorous assessment process where their knowledge and skills are assessed against evidence-based competence frameworks and high assessment criteria. The criteria vary for the different accreditation levels awarded by EMCC but in practice working with an accredited Coach means that they:

💡have completed rigorous Coaching training by an accredited Coach Training Provider
💡have demonstrated the skills to perform professional Coaching
💡have adequate client experience of Coaching
💡adhere to ethical principles in Coaching
💡ensure a commitment for own professional development as a Coach